How To Clean Leather Jackets At Home
Are you not sure about cleaning leather jackets at home? Don’t worry, we have shared everything about cleaning and taking care of leather jackets. Go ahead and read.
Can You Iron “Dry Clean Only” Clothes At Home
We have seen people confused about whether or not they should iron their expensive, heavy, and special clothes at home. These clothes are generally labelled as “dry clean only”. So, in this article, we will answer a common question that many people have – Can I iron my dry clean only clothes at home?
Everything About Leather Conditioning For Bags
If you cherish your leather bags, then you must know that leather conditioning is a crucial way to take care of them. In this article, we have shared everything about leather conditioning for bags. Hence, you should definitely give it a quick glance.
How to Remove Lipstick Stains From Clothes
You should never rub a garment to remove a lipstick stain. Pick an appropriate stain remover and gently blot the stain.
Everything You Need To Know About Home Dry Cleaning Kits
Are you hearing a lot about Home Dry Cleaning Kits these days but not really sure about using them? It is one of the easiest ways to clean clothes labelled as “dry clean”, “dry clean only” .
How To Wash Fleece Jacket: Step-by-Step Guide
Love the cozy, soft feel of fleece jackets but don’t wear them often as they’re tough to clean? Don’t worry, if you fear you will end up in ruining the softness of fleece, this article will help
How To Clean Blankets At Home
Blankets are one of those bedding pieces that we use almost daily. Hence, they require frequent cleaning sessions too. In this article, we shared how to clean blankets at home. If you want to cut down some visits to the dry cleaners, check this out.
8 Points That Decide Your Clothes Need Wash Or Dry Clean
Do you get confused to choose between dry clean and laundry? Here are 8 Points that helps in deciding whether clothes need dry clean or not.
How To Clean Suede Shoes
You might have heard that it is tough to clean suede shoes. That’s true to some extent. However, there is no rocket science behind the process. You just have to be careful and there will be nothing to worry about.
How to Remove Stains From A White Shirt
You might think your shirt is ruined once it catches a stain, but if you know how to remove stains from a white shirt it can be saved.